Candle Magic or Message


How are you doing? Uncertain times we find ourselves eh?

There has been a lot going on in my life in the last year or so which is probably why I haven’t blogged in a while.

Anyway, I was curious on your opinions about candles. Do you use candle magic? Do you get a message from your candles if you do?

I have used candles before, candles with signs burnt into them for a variety of reasons, coloured candles for spiritual correspondence reasons, I have lit candles and asked Spirit for help when people have asked for healing etc.

However, I am after your opinion on something that happened on Monday just gone.

My husband was going into a specialist hospital for brain surgery. A completely routine operation for the Neurosurgeons but still a pretty big deal for him and for us.

I put a call out to friends and fellow pagans to do their thing, send healing, light a candle, whatever they wanted to do to support him through his surgery. He was scheduled for 1pm, so those that saw the request, did their thing.

I came home and lit the candle that was on my altar and asked the deities for help in keeping him safe for me.

The candle I lit was an 80hr candle that I had been using since Yule. At approximately 4.10pm, the candle started to crackle. It crackled away for a good few minutes, which it had not done in all the hours it had been burning since Yule. Because it was quite strange I noted the time, so I could come back to it and give it more thought.

It was quite a while until I got to speak to a nurse who told me his surgery had gone well and he was ok, then another couple of hours until I heard his voice, as under current Covid conditions, I wasnt allowed into the hospital to visit.

Anyway, on Tuesday, when I got him home, he told me that be didn’t go down to theatre until about 3.30pm, I asked him to repeat what he said so l knew the operation was to take approx 30 mins.

This would be about the time the candle started to crackle……was I being informed that his surgery was done and he was ok?

I am taking it as such, I have thanked all of the deities I asked for help.

Do you have an opinion/theory?

My first spell!

Hello again!

I am sat here, nice and warm and cosy, listening to the wind throw itself around outside, with candles lit and incense burning and it feels good…hope you are feeling good where you are too!

Now I know not all Pagans are Witches but I consider myself to be a witch, not to be confused with Wiccan, but getting into that discussion could take over this entire post so that can be explored at a later date if needed!

Anyway, I am digressing…what I am trying to say is that I conducted my first spell the other week.

Things are a bit tight when its the school holidays as I only get paid for the weeks I work, so i thought I would work a Money Spell, I didn’t ask for a lot, for untold wealth, I explained when working the spell that I only wanted a bit more, just to make things a little less ‘tight’.

Hand wash spell

I worked the Basil Hand-wash money spell.  I made my infusion of basil tea (which to my amusement my husband drank a cup of and said it was rather nice – he thought I had left him a post of loose leaf tea!)

I kept my tea in a bottle by the sink and several times a day I washed my hands with it and visualised whilst also reminding both the universe and myself that I just want a little bit more, not a lot!

Did it work?  In my opinion yes it did, in the last week I have had the opportunity to work two overtime jobs, this isnt normally possible as the jobs clash with looking after my kids (evenings usually), there is a third lined up…..I have also learnt how to make my own bread so I am now making a small loaf a day for my family which is more cost effective for us as well as being better for us as there are no artificial nasties in there, but again I can write about that in another post.

So in short, overtime is falling in my favour for once and I am saving us money by learning how to make my own bread, so yes my spell worked.  I have got rid of the remainder of the basil water and I have stopped working the spell and I am grateful.