

Its been a while hasn’t it? Thanks to life taking over, throwing me a curve ball that had me wanting to get into some really dark shady magick as a form of revenge, my blogging on here has taken a hit!

I didn’t go ‘dark’, I had some good advice from fellow witches and pagans and with the love and support of my husband I decided to let the law deal with it and continue being (trying to be) the good person that I am.

Anyway, a wonderful family holiday has been had in the wonderful serene surroundings of Perthshire in Scotland, we had a gorgeous little cottage to ourselves on a working estate, the Laird and family were away so there wasnt a soul about…just big sky, big trees, birdlife and wildlife….sheer bliss! Just what was needed for this witch and her family.

You can sense the seasons changing…can feel the shift from Summer into Autumn, I really think Autumn is my favourite season, I am getting that excited tingly feeling in my tummy as the prospect of misty mornings and evenings, the smell of wood fires, the leaves changing their colourful robes, the promise of darker evenings and a drop in temperature….love it!

And with the imminent arrival of Autumn, it means harvesting and foraging season…and here is the first elderberry harvest…I am so happy!

My kitchen smells of warm berries as some are being dried gently in the oven to keep for making tea’s and some will go into the freezer for jam/jelly making later in the year with other fruits.

Did I mention I love Autumn?

Do you have a favourite season? If so, why?
