What kind of witch?

Hello again one and all!

The more I spend time with witchy folk online, the more I notice that some people have very clear ideas of what kind of witch they are and this in turn got me wondering if I have any strong leanings one way or another.  I know am only at the beginning of my journey and I am not trying to classify myself but I started looking at attributes/traits that particular witches have.

The following images are obviously for guidance only and were found on the internet…do any of these resonate/call out to you?

Sea Witch attributes and traits.

Green Witch attributes.

Hereditary or solitary witchcraft.

Attributes of a hedge witch.

Attributes of a kitchen witch.

Traits of a Eclectic witch.

Going by these images I could call myself a Solitary eclectic green kitchen witch! 😉

Do you/can you identify yourself?